every days in this month like a week. time runs so slow, because why? cause i wait for something. a scholarship to singapore. actually i didn't interested about the scholarship because i didn't confident enough to get the scholarship but all changed since i got a call from ministry of education of singapore.
i knew about the scholarship from my mother, she read a newspaper and found the scholarship advertisement. she asked me to try the scholarship but i responed it not seriously because i was hopeless. it was difficult enough to register for the scholarship, i had to fill all of my personal data and other information. next i must send my national exam result and must be transleted in english.
out of blue after i had an student club selection my mom send me a message. she said that i can join the written test. i was surprised that i passed the first step but it became ordinary thing since i know farie got the same information.
the first selection held in hotel mulia, not only met farie. i met aldwin, daryl and novie. i felt happy because there were smansa students in there so i didn't feel lonely. the first test was general abilty test. there were about 48 questions, we had to continue the picture. the second test was math test, i thought i can do the math test well but the questions were difficult enough and i was complicated to do that. the last test was english test, i thought this test was the easiest test but i was wrong. it was the hardest test. it just like toefl test without grammar. only and just high level vocabulary, it was bad for me who have specialty at grammar, not vocab
because of the difficult test, i wasn't confident that i can join the inteview test so i tried to forget about the scholarship because it useless. but something happened at friday, a phone from ministry of education of singapore made me feel blisfull, he said that i can join the interview test and would get an invitation by email. it made me can't sleep one night because i was too happy. it's about a week until i get the email and the interview held at wednesday so i can't attend to school.
the interview test wasn't difficult. they asked me about my school, my life and family, and my plan if i get to singapore. they said that the next information will be notifed arround october. i hope i get the email about scholarship as soon as possible. that my wish in this month
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